Monday, August 01, 2005

Vacation for George!

Ah.... August 1st and our magnanimous leader needs another vacation! This one will the 50th trip to the pig farm in Crawford, TX since he slithered into the Oval Office 5 yrs ago, never mind the vacations to Camp David and other places.

According to Scott McClellan, press secretary, george likes to spend time outdoors clearing the brush and riding his bike AND this year he will speak to Americans about being physically active! Wow! The anticipation! The suspense!

Has it ever dawned on him that most Americans don't have a yacht, a private pool, a gym, servants, and most of all don't have someone else to do their job for them?! Nah.... that was a dumb question. George doesn't read and doesn't think. That's Turd Blossom's job.

Clearing brush? Is that the same tree, posed on the side of the same ditch for the past 5 years?

I can see it now..... George struts down the side of the ditch with someone holding the back of his pants (off camera of course) so that he does not go crashing down on his face..... strikes a pose, (cut the camera) ....the chain saw started by someone who knows how and is handed to him (still off camera). Pose george, pose. Big smirk ..... a few pictures..... ah... that takes care of george's farming for the day. On to the next photo-op.

Mr. Magnificent has to be the most underworked and overpaid public servant in the history of this country. As previously mentioned and quoting from the mouth of the great one himself, he doesn't read. So it's no surprise that he doesn't have a clue what is going on in the country and the world.

If he did read he might know that National Geographic News is reporting that Rare Fossil Embryos dating back 190 million years were recently found in South Africa. But no, his handlers won't tell him about that because it interferes with his religious beliefs. You see george thinks that the earth was formed shortly before the birth of one Jesus Christ..... maybe a few thousand yrs ago!

National Geographic is interesting reading and even more interesting is what others are saying about george's plans for the world.

'Universal Democracy' Is the Goal As Congress Eyes New LegislationWhen senators return to Washington this September, they will be set to consider new legislation that would commit America to ending tyranny the world over.

What a goal! What at farce awaits him! One only has to look at what he has "accomplished" already. Take for example this film that illustrates so vividly what he has done to Iraq, it's people and to our soldiers who are forced to serve in this hell on earth..........

June, 2005 Video Release by the Iraqi Resistance - The Cowboys in Iraq

Bush and his team of thugs should be forced to watch this film every night before going to bed. They are most deserving of the nightmares that would surely follow. (Warning, this film is very graphic, especially towards the end)

If bu$h bothered to read he might know that most of the world is now aware that....
"This war has been advanced on lie upon lie. Iraq was not responsible for 9/11. Iraq was not responsible for any role al-Qaeda may have had in 9/11. Iraq was not responsible for the anthrax attacks on this country. Iraq did not try to acquire nuclear weapons technology from Niger. This war is built on falsehood."
- Rep. Dennis Kucinich, April 1, 2003

Or more correctly stated... this war was built on bald faced lies!

If george bu$h bothered to read he might have read this ad placed by one of his supporters in Pensacola Florida:

We have a chest freezer that works fine, however it is full of rotted meat from sitting without electricity after Hurricane Ivan. Yes, you read that right... it's been almost a year and it has been sitting in my garage. I'm too much of a girl to want to even consider dealing with it. I have decided to just buy a new one so I'm giving this away. It's been plugged in all this time so except for right after Dennis it has remained refrozen. It is absolutely disgusting however and will require some major, major cleaning.
But It's free!

Gosh, wouldn't that be a good job for king george to perform while on vacation. Just think what he could accomplish if he got rid of all the rotten meat in his administration. What a lofty goal for a vacationing pResident! If only he could read.

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