Yes, real quick. Mr. Ayers," McCain said, without telling viewers the man's full name. "I don't care about an old washed-up terrorist".
Well, Mr. McCain, I care. I care because you seem to be an "old washed up terrorist" (Bombed innocent people in Vietnam & supporting Bush's illegal murdering war) and you are seeking to be president of this country...... PLB
Among the students who said there was a clear debate winner on substance, only one of 18 picked McCain. But four students thought McCain won on
I'd sure enough like to meet those four students. What a shame to be so damn dumb & uninformed so early in life...... PLB
McCain also lost this debate stylistically. The split screen showed him impatient, angry, rolling his eyes and making some very odd faces. This type of body language caused Al Gore to lose the second presidential debate in 2000. I suspect it will go over poorly with viewers as well..... reader comment McClatchy's
jacobson5 ...I cannot believe that some people feel there will be a problem with Obama being president. We have had an idiot for the last eight years and look at the road we went down on that one. Anything is better than another idiot for four more years.
Whiny Mac makes all-out attack (NY Daily News)
John McCain threw the kitchen sink - and "Joe the Plumber," too - at Barack Obama during Wednesday night's final, in-your-face presidential debate.
It was also the whiniest, particularly from McCain, who cast himself early on as the victim of unfair attacks despite weeks of slashing Obama for assorted past associations.
When asked about his tough ads, McCain groused that Obama had not slapped down a supporter, Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), for accusing the GOP ticket of stirring up racist passions at rallies in ways reminiscent of former Alabama governor and segregationist George Wallace. "That, to me, was so hurtful," McCain said.
Obama said Lewis' comparison was wrong. But he stood by complaints about McCain supporters who have called Obama a "terrorist" and yelled "kill him!" at rallies.
Is 'Joe the Plumber' related to Charles Keating?
Juan Cole ....He (McCain) especially lost points, as Rachel Maddow pointed out, by dismissing concerns about the health of the mother in the decision to end a pregnancy. In that stance he sounded like Sarah Palin, who wants to make women bear their rapist's child. As I pointed out in Salon, the current McCain-Palin stance on abortion is identical to that in fundamentalist regimes such as Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Vasix....... I watched the debate. On one side was a grumpy old man trying to make up for four months of a squandered campaign. One the other side, a calm study in preparation.
My favorite part was when Senator Obama graciously allowed Senator McCain to pander to his rightwing base and forget that he needed the MIDDLE of America to fall in love with him him last night. The topic was the Supreme Court and of course Senator McCain couldn't help himself. On his white charger he galloped into the fray wielding his flashing sword of bromides and code phases. He sounded like a crazy ideologue and then he galloped into his self sown snare. Senator McCain, a man who went to college on the taxpayers nickel and graduated third from the bottom of his class, looked at a Harvard trained lawyer, the top shelf of a the best legal students in the country, Editor of the Harvard Law Review, a practicing lawyer that as a young gun argued cases in the Federal courts with the United States Justice Department as co-counsels and TAUGHT CONSTITUTIOINAL LAW for years and MOCKED Senator Obama's judgements on Supreme Court justices. It was perfect. America is pretty smart. Senator McCain is fighting the culture war. He's saying he doesn't have a litmus test and then says he thinks Roe v. Wade is wrong. Then he goes and tells EVERY WOMAN in America that he believes in the Roman Catholic Church's policy that the mother's life is not important. He MOCKS women by using "air quotes" about the health of a mother. It was such a jarring performance. Right wingers LOVED it. It was as if Senator McCain had shaken a rubber fetus at the camera and yelled: MURDERER!!!! The rest of the audience watched and thought, "Divisive, ideologue, mired in the culture wars."
Senator McCain's job was to win the middle of American's hearts. Instead he tried to gut punch the "abortion loving", baby eating monsters imagineered by ideologues on the "pro life" (as long as it isn't the mother's life) blogosphere. In doing so, Senator McCain. shadow boxed himself further and further out on a limb until all Senator Obama had to do is look over at him and say, "You want me to hand you a saw or throw you a rope?"
McCain contended that Obama had not repudiated Lewis. "That to me was so hurtful," McCain said. "I have repudiated everyone who's been out of line, whether part of my campaign or not."
Bald Faced Lie....So hurtful? More hurtful than people calling for killing Obama? Tough Schitt McCryBaby!..... PLB
The United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters has endorsed Barack Obama.
That's what matters.
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