Monday, February 12, 2007

Carl Rants.................

Much of Florida should be abandoned unless honest and trust worthy building codes are enforced. Year after year the state becomes nothing but flying sticks from match box construction that should be outlawed. Close to sixty year ago it was Jim Bailey calling, "Come on down the pompanos are jumping out of the bays and lagoons right on the plates to welcome you suckers. Contrary to what we see from the helicopters after the storms pass can only be the results of a Republican population reduction scheme could allow what just happened. The plans are by builders and lobbyist who live in Switzerland, the Andes and Manhattan.

American's are spending billions to see their children blown to bits in the sands of Arabia. Those who come home have no lives. "Look at me I got my new legs. Look at them 40/50 year later if the live that long not even able to get out of bed when the God damn building is burning down. There stands Bush like the colossus of Rhodes saying it cannot hurt me I have on my water proof underwear.

A radio is just another gadget from China with 150% markup. Buy some of the new hooks. A baby can push them through the sheet, but look what happens when Mommy goes to push one in and she hits steel lollicolumn. Blood all over the basement but that bastard with his high pitched voice is long gone.

Carl Johnson .... NY

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