Monday, August 07, 2006

Where have all the Pro-Lifers gone: Long time passing...

By Jane Stillwater

The Middle East is on fire. The Dogs of War have been loosed and they are ripping the eyes out of the skulls of dead babies. And just to show you that I am no Mel Gibson, babies are being butchered in Israel as well as Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq and Lebanon. Have our "leaders" gone crazy? I lie awake nights crying because I'm so frustrated that there is NOTHING I can do to stop this gory dismemberment of our young.

But there is one group of people who DO have the political clout to stop this insane and bloody maiming of babies. You know who I'm talking about. The same people who haunt the malls and websites of America with photos of dead fetuses. The same people who lament and be-moan abortions.

Pro-Lifers? Baby protectors? Where are you now?

This savage and brutal slaughter of innocents in the Middle East is one of the most -- if not THE most -- horrendous disasters to strike the infants of our world since the end of World War II. Not since Herod....

Pro-Lifers? Baby protectors? Where are you now?

The world's babies are being cruelly mauled, exploded, massacred and dissected. Partial-birth abortion is not even CLOSE to being as extreme and nauseating as this.

Pro-Lifers? Baby protectors? Where are you now?

PS: Speaking of double standards, "Where have all the Christians gone?" And the Jews? And the Muslims? Have they "gone to neo-cons cons every one"? Sing along, boys and girls. "When will they ever learn? "When will they -- ever -- learn?"

A Bush-Cheney neo-con with a lust for power in his heart and blood in his eye is NOT a Christian. An Osama bin Ladin neo-con with a lust for power in his heart and blood in his eye is NOT a Muslim. And a Olmert-Peres neo-con with a lust for power in his heart and blood in his eye is NOT a Jew. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. And make no mistake. WE are the sheep. "Bon appetite."

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