Sunday, July 09, 2006

Dear John Kerry

I get more emails & letters from John Kerry than I do from that greasy Republican who is my represenative in DC. So I figured that he deserved one of my rants.

TO: John Kerry

Your emails arrive in my mailbox on a regular basis begging for donations. Why?

You “Cut and Ran” from the presidential election of 2004 after promising to see that all votes were counted. You allowed that election to be handed to the worst human being who has ever occupied the office in spite of the fact that the statistics showed that you were winning. Not only that but you have voted time and again to support the corrupt, lying agenda of our wannabe dictator, George Bush. So why the hell do you think I should donate one stinking penny to any of the DLC approved Democrats in or running for Congress. Most of you jokers look like Republicans to me. Heaven knows that I have seen enough corruption, lying, cheating & murdering by that gang of thugs in the past 5 years to last a lifetime. Yes, I said murdering because that is what you have done and are doing to the people of Afghanistan & Iraq, all in support of that thug who squats in the White House. It was all a bald faced lie and I think you knew that when you handed over the control of the Congress to that mad man, the wannabe “war president” This is not a war. IT’S COLD BLOODED MURDER and I will not give one penny to help your crazy fools to continue this in my name.

You don’t listen to us. You don’t represent us and haven’t for a long time. You sat on your comfortable ass for a long time supporting the corporate takeover of this country. You have allowed millions of jobs to be moved out of the country. You have even allowed the corporations to import workers, forced the American worker to train them, then fired the American worker. That is just about as despicable as it gets.

You have given billionaires tax break after tax break while holding the poorest of the poor to a minimum wage that wouldn’t even provide a place for a family to sleep much less buy food or pay other utilities that you millionaires take for granted. You are aiding and abetting in the effort to destroy the backbone of this country, the working people. It looks as though you are trying to develop a slave class in the United States. How dare you turn our country backwards to look like a third world dictatorship? How dare you?

You have voted yourselves over $31 Thousand dollars in raises since the last time you raised the minimum wage. God almighty John Kerry….. Don’t you know that millions of U.S. citizens live on half that amount for a full year? Millions live on less than poverty level wages and that number is multiplying by the day. Your Good Old Boy Millionaire’s Club has been provided the finest insurance money can buy, given perks that would make Bill Gates green with envy at times, & allowed you to pretty much work when and if you feel like it. Not only that but you have set yourself up for pensions to live like kings for the rest of your life, not that many of you will need any help to do that.

You really have the gall to send these damn, condescending, beg letters begging for the pittance we ordinary folks have to live on every month. Don’t you greedy politicians ever think about who you are begging money from? Do you ever think about how much you are out of touch with the working stiffs in this country? You know, the people who stock the grocery shelves, drive the garbage trucks, wash your clothes & scrub your toilets? Do you think that we all live like you with the limos, the drivers, and the maids?

Mr. Kerry, I wouldn’t even write a letter to support you in any way after the way you turned your back on those of us who tried to get you elected. You ran like the cowardly Bush ran from his military service. If the Democratic Party is stupid enough to nominate you again, I will sit out this election.

You jackasses are destroying this country from the inside out and have made us the laughing stock of the world in the process by supporting a man who doesn’t know his head from his ass. Aren’t you ever the slightest bit embarrassed at the humiliation that we have suffered and continue to suffer at the hands of George Bush and that gang of thugs who surround him? Don’t you have any conscience regarding the thousands of our soldiers who have been wounded, maimed or killed for the lies?

You want money from me John Kerry? Do you remember what Tricky Dick Cheney said to Sen. Leahy on the Senate floor. Same to you John Kerry….. same to you!

Oh, what the hell? Fuck you John Kerry!

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